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The most nominations for the Czech Lion awards went to the films Waves and Girl America

Monday, 13th January, 2025

The Czech Film and Television Academy (CFTA) has just presented the nominations for the 32nd annual Czech Lion awards today. In the first round the academics assessed 93 films series and miniseries that were released for the public in the year of 2024. Altogether 29 titles will be fighting in the final jousting withing the framework of the 24 statutory categories for the symbolic statuettes of the Czech Lion.  The leaders as far as the number of nominations is concerned are the films Waves, Girl America, Our Lovely Pig Slaughter and the miniseries The Markovic Method: Hojer.

The Czech Lion Awards will be ceremonially presented to the winners on 8th March in Rudolfinum in Prague and the ceremony will be broadcast live By Czech Television on CT1 channel. By means of the presenters the gala evening will be devoted to film professionals who stay behind the scenes; however, no film could be produced without them. The ceremony will be hosted by the presenter and youtuber Karel "Kovy" Kovář. The creative supervisor of the evening will be Matěj Chlupáček on behalf of the presidium of CFTA.

The voting in all the assessed categories of the 32nd annual Czech Lion awards was taking place from 1st Dec 2024 to 5th Jan 2025. Altogether 228 film professionals from the ranks of the CFTA academics were deciding about the nominations. The highest number of 14 nominations was obtained by the period drama Waves by Jiří Mádl. The film reminds us of the events of the year 1968 when Czechoslovakia started to be occupied by the armies of the Warsaw pact within the framework of the so-called comradely help. Just behind the Waves there is the stylized film Girl America by Viktor Tauš with its 13 nominations. The movie has been inspired by a true story of a girl who underwent institutional care during the communist era and her desire for freedom. Ten nominations were earned by the debut feature actors’ film Our Lovely Pig Slaughter directed by Adam Martinec. This film is a tragicomedy about a village pig slaughter. The miniseries of the platform Voyo called The Markovic Method: Hojer directed by Pavel Soukup also advances to the next round with 10 nominations. The miniseries describes real police work in the then Czechoslovakia in the raw. The same number of 5 nominations was obtained by the miniseries Daughter of the Nation directed by Matěj Chlupáček and Cristina Groșan from the production of CANAL+, the film Smetana directed by Marek Najbrt and the series Sense of Tumour directed by Tereza Kopáčová and produced by Czech Television. Four nominations for the Czech Lion statuettes went to the series of Czech Television Good Morning, Brno! II directed by Jan Prušinovský, the documentary feature I’m not Everything I Want to Be directed by Klára Tasovská and feature actors’ film directed by Jiří Havelka called The Gardener's Year. Three nominations were awarded to the animated film Living Large by Kristina Dufková.

In the category of best feature actors’ film just like in the category of best director the Czech Lions can be awarded to the films Girl America, Our Lovely Pig Slaughter, March to May, Waves and The Gardener's Year. The nominations for the best documentary feature were given to the movies Czechoslovak Architecture 58-89, Limits of Europe, I’m not Everything I Want to Be, Ms. President and War Correspondent. The Czech Lion for the best miniseries or series can be awarded to the miniseries Daughter of the Nation, The Markovic Method: Hojer, No Big Deal or series Good Morning, Brno! II and Sense of Tumour. Also three animated films are fighting for the Czech Lion. In March the lion statuette will be won either by the film Hurikan, Big Man or Living Large. The Czech Lion will also be presented to one of the three short films: Butterfly Girl, Buzz of the Earth or The Sea in Between.

Out of the total film production of the year 2024 the academics assessed 41 feature actors’ films, 16 documentary features which had been chosen by the pre-selection committee consisting of the members of the academy from the total amount of 42 movies, 10 animated or puppet films and also 10 short films which had been chosen by a pre-selection committee consisting of academics from the total amount of 26 submitted movies. The academics also assessed the 16 series and miniseries that have been premiered on TV screens or online platforms. Within the upcoming annual Czech Lion awards a couple of changes have been made in the list of the assessed categories. The television series and miniseries have been newly merged into one category and television films get assessed within the category of feature actors’ films.


Amerikánka (Girl America) – producer Viktor Tauš
Mord (Our Lovely Pig Slaughter) – producer Matěj Paclík
Od marca do mája (March to May) – producer Tomáš Pertold
Vlny (Waves) – producer Monika Kristl
Zahradníkův rok (The Gardener's Year) – producer Jiří Tuček

Architektura ČSSR 58-89 (Czechoslovak Architecture 58-89) – directed by Jan Zajíček – producers Karla Stojáková, Pavel Berčík, Vladimír Brož, Maroš Hečko, Peter Veverka
Hranice Evropy (Limits of Europe) – directed by Apolena Rychlíková – producers Tereza Horská, Vít Klusák, Filip Remunda
Ještě nejsem, kým chci být (I'm Not Everything I Want to Be) – directed by Klára Tasovská – producers Lukáš Kokeš, Klára Tasovská
Prezidentka (Ms. President) – directed by Marek Šulík – producer Barbara Janišová Feglová
Válečný zpravodaj (War Correspondent) – directed by David Čálek, Benjamin Tuček – producer Václav Flegl

Amerikánka (Girl America) – Viktor Tauš
Mord (Our Lovely Pig Slaughter) – Adam Martinec
Od marca do mája (March to May) – Martin Pavol Repka
Vlny (Waves) – Jiří Mádl
Zahradníkův rok (The Gardener's Year) – Jiří Havelka

Amerikánka (Girl America) – Klára Kitto
Manželé Stodolovi (Mr. and Mrs. Stodola) – Lucie Žáčková
Rok vdovy (Year of the Widow) – Pavla Beretová
Sucho (Dry Season) – Magdaléna Borová
Zápisník alkoholičky (Her Drunken Diary) – Tereza Ramba

Dcera národa (Daughter of the Nation) – Antonie Martinec Formanová
Dobré ráno, Brno! II (Good Morning, Brno! II) – Zuzana Zlatohlávková
Smysl pro tumor (Sense of Tumour) – Alžběta Malá

Manželé Stodolovi (Mr. and Mrs. Stodola) – Jan Hájek
Mord (Our Lovely Pig Slaughter) – Karel Martinec
Smetana (Smetana) – Václav Neužil
Vlny (Waves) – Vojtěch Vodochodský
Zahradníkův rok (The Gardener's Year) – Oldřich Kaiser

Dobré ráno, Brno! II (Good Morning, Brno! II) – Jan Kolařík
Metoda Markovič: Hojer (The Markovic Method: Hojer) – Petr Lněnička
Smysl pro tumor (Sense of Tumour) – Filip Březina

Amerikánka (Girl America) – Klára Melíšková
Amerikánka (Girl America) – Lucie Žáčková
Mord (Our Lovely Pig Slaughter) – Karin Bílíková
Smetana (Smetana) – Denisa Barešová
Vlny (Waves) – Tatiana Pauhofová

Dobré ráno, Brno! II (Good Morning, Brno! II) – Simona Lewandowska
Metoda Markovič: Hojer (The Markovic Method: Hojer) – Sarah Haváčová
Náhradníci (Surrogates) – Iva Janžurová

After Party (After Party) – Jan Zadražil
Ema a smrtihlav (The Hungarian Dressmaker) – Milan Ondrík
Mord (Our Lovely Pig Slaughter) – Antonín Budínský
Vlny (Waves) – Martin Hofmann
Vlny (Waves) – Stanislav Majer

Metoda Markovič: Hojer (The Markovic Method: Hojer) – Petr Uhlík
Smysl pro tumor (Sense of Tumour) – Jiří Bartoška
Smysl pro tumor (Sense of Tumour) – Pavel Řezníček

Amerikánka (Girl America) – David Jařab
Metoda Markovič: Hojer (The Markovic Method: Hojer) – Jaroslav Hruška
Mord (Our Lovely Pig Slaughter) – Adam Martinec
Vlny (Waves) – Jiří Mádl
Zahradníkův rok (The Gardener's Year) – Jiří Havelka

Amerikánka (Girl America) – Martin Douba
Metoda Markovič: Hojer (The Markovic Method: Hojer) – Ondřej Belica
Mord (Our Lovely Pig Slaughter) – David Hofmann
Rok vdovy (Year of the Widow) – Dušan Husár
Vlny (Waves) – Martin Žiaran

Amerikánka (Girl America) – Alois Fišárek, Krzysztof Komander
Ještě nejsem, kým chci být (I'm Not Everything I Want to Be) – Alexander Kashcheev
Metoda Markovič: Hojer (The Markovic Method: Hojer) – Tomáš Holocsy
Mord (Our Lovely Pig Slaughter) – Matěj Sláma
Vlny (Waves) – Filip Malásek

Amerikánka (Girl America) – Michał Fojcik, Michał Bagiński
Ještě nejsem, kým chci být (I'm Not Everything I Want to Be) – Alexander Kashcheev, Michaela Patríková
Mord (Our Lovely Pig Slaughter) – Miki Kocáb, Peter Hilčanský
Vlny (Waves) – Viktor Ekrt
Život k sežrání (Living Large) – David Titěra, Viktor Ekrt

Amerikánka (Girl America) – Jan Michael Prokeš
Ještě nejsem, kým chci být (I'm Not Everything I Want to Be) – Oliver Torr, Prokop Korb, Adam Matej
Mord (Our Lovely Pig Slaughter) – Jonatan Pjoni Pastirčák
Vlny (Waves) – Simon Goff
Život k sežrání (Living Large) – Michal Novinski

Amerikánka (Girl America) – Jan Kadlec
Dcera národa (Daughter of the Nation) – Henrich Boráros
Metoda Markovič: Hojer (The Markovic Method: Hojer) – Milan Býček
Smetana (Smetana) – Jan Vlasák
Vlny (Waves) – Petr Kunc

Amerikánka (Girl America) – Jan Kadlec
Dcera národa (Daughter of the Nation) – Jarmila Dunděrová
Metoda Markovič: Hojer (The Markovic Method: Hojer) – Vladimíra Pachl Fomínová
Smetana (Smetana) – Andrea Králová
Vlny (Waves) – Katarína Štrbová Bieliková

Amerikánka (Girl America) – Jana Dopitová, René Stejskal
Dcera národa (Daughter of the Nation) – Lenka Nosková
Metoda Markovič: Hojer (The Markovic Method: Hojer) – Lukáš Král
Smetana (Smetana) – Martin Valeš, Jana Bílková, Martin Větrovec
Vlny (Waves) – Adéla Anděla Bursová

Dcera národa (Daughter of the Nation) – main creators Matěj Chlupáček, Cristina Groșan – main producers Maja Hamplová, Matěj Chlupáček, Lada Dobrkovská, Barbora Mudrová
Dobré ráno, Brno! II (Good Morning, Brno! II) – main creator Jan Prušinovský – main producer Jan Maxa
Metoda Markovič: Hojer (The Markovic Method: Hojer) – main creators Jaroslav Hruška, Pavel Soukup ml. – main producers Lukáš Mráček, Tomáš Hruška
Smysl pro tumor (Sense of Tumour) – main creator Tereza Kopáčová – main producer Matěj Stehlík
Vlastně se nic nestalo (No Big Deal) – main creator Jan Vejnar – main producer Jakub Mahler

Hurikán (Hurikan) – director Jan Saska – producers Kamila Dohnalová, Martin Vandas, Alena Vandasová – artists Jan Saska, Marek Pokorný
Velký Pán (Big Man) – director Radek Beran – producer Jakub Červenka – artist František Antonín Skála
Život k sežrání (Living Large) – director, artist Kristina Dufková – producers Matěj Chlupáček, Agata Novinski, Marc Faye

Ani se nenaděješ a už se jmenuješ (Butterfly Girl) – directed and produced by Ema Hůlková
Bzukot Země (Buzz of the Earth) – directed by Greta Stocklassa – producers Jakub Vacík, Marek Dusil
Mezi námi moře (The Sea In Between) – directed by Lun Sevnik – producer Rok Biček

3MWh (3MWh)– directed by Marie-Magdalena Kochová
Ani se nenaděješ a už se jmenuješ (Butterfly Girl) – directed by Ema Hůlková
Bzukot Země (Buzz of the Earth) – directed by Greta Stocklassa
Humanity (Humanity) – directed by Tereza Kovandová
Plevel (Weeds) – directed by Pola Kazak


Vlny (Waves) – 14 nominations
Amerikánka (Girl America) – 13 nominations
Metoda Markovič: Hojer (The Markovic Method: Hojer) – 10 nominations
Mord (Our Lovely Pig Slaughter) – 10 nominations
Dcera národa (Daughter of the Nation) – 5 nominations
Smetana (Smetana) – 5 nominations
Smysl pro tumor (Sense of Tumour) – 5 nominations
Dobré ráno, Brno! II (Good Morning, Brno! II) – 4 nominations
Ještě nejsem, kým chci být (I'm Not Everything I Want to Be) – 4 nominations
Zahradníkův rok (The Gardener's Year) – 4 nominations
Život k sežrání (Living Large) – 3 nominations 
Manželé Stodolovi (Mr. and Mrs. Stodola) – 2 nominations

Od marca do mája (March to May) – 2 nominations
Rok vdovy (Year of the Widow) – 2 nominations After Party (After Party) – 1 nomination
Ani se nenaděješ a už se jmenuješ (Butterfly Girl) – 1 nomination
Architektura ČSSR 58-89 (Czechoslovak Architecture 58-89) – 1 nomination
Bzukot Země (Buzz of the Earth) – 1 nomination
Ema a smrtihlav (The Hungarian Dressmaker) – 1 nomination
Hranice Evropy (Limits of Europe) – 1 nomination
Hurikán (Hurikan) – 1 nomination
Mezi námi moře (The Sea In Between) – 1 nomination
Náhradníci (Surrogates) – 1 nomination
Prezidentka (Ms. President)  – 1 nomination
Sucho (Dry Season) – 1 nomination
Válečný zpravodaj (War Correspondent) – 1 nomination
Velký Pán (Big Man) – 1 nomination
Vlastně se nic nestalo (No Big Deal) – 1 nomination
Zápisník alkoholičky (Her Drunken Diary) – 1 nomination

Awards presented at the press conference on 13th January 2025:

BEST FILM POSTER – non-statutory award
Amerikánka (Girl America) – Jan Kadlec, Jan Poukar – awarded poster
Architektura ČSSR 58-89 (Czechoslovak Architecture 58-89) – Petr Bosák, Robert Jansa
Janžurka (The Actress) – Štěpán Malovec
Ještě nejsem, kým chci být (I'm Not Everything I Want to Be) – Kristýna Kulíková
Mord (Our Lovely Pig Slaughter) – Kryštof Doležal

AWARD OF FILM FANS – non-statutory award
Vlny (Waves) – Jiří Mádl (awarded director)


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